perm filename CHARS.B[AM,DBL]17 blob sn#634898 filedate 1981-12-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00004 00002	Name: THORN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 86756/78942/78942		4/14/80
C00011 00003	Equipment:	
C00024 00005	Name: ARWEN	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 44059/40054
C00030 00006	Name: ARWENC	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 125,000/135,001/2501
C00042 00007	Equipment:	
C00047 00008	Name: ELVOR	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 126676/39136	
C00053 00009	Equipment:	
C00058 00010	Name: ADRIANA	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 45542/45542
C00063 00011	Equipment:	
C00067 00012	Name: MORRN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 36,023
C00071 00013	Equipment:	
C00074 00014	Name: GAILI	Owner: Merle Lenat	Experience: 20477
C00079 00015	Name: GAILI	Owner: Merle Lenat	Experience: 20477
C00084 00016	Name: REINA  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 1373
C00089 00017	Name: KILE   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0
C00096 00018	Name: LLARN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 35020/35020
C00100 00019	Equipment:	
C00104 00020	Name: ELAS 	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 2688
C00108 00021	Name: ELAS 	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 5688
C00113 00022	Name: CANTU	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 0
C00117 00023	Name: DILAP  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0   
C00121 00024	Name: DILAP  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 15000
C00125 00025	Name: CANTU	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 2105348
C00131 ENDMK
Name: THORN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 86756/78942/78942		4/14/80
Class: Th/MU/F	Level: 8/7/5(7)		Alignment: C.N.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 13 (19)        12          10          15           18           8

Hits: 	54    (+4 Crow, prev. CON 16)
	      5/2/10  6/4/7  4/3/8  3/4/9  3/2/7  5/4  4/4  4/
Damage:				       Ht 62"  Wt 98lbs  Age 187yrs
Gold: 60795 (Committed: 17k Bracers, 3k Laser, 300 DON; 40k escrow +1chain)
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +3000

Armor class: 4+4+?          (+4Dex, +1shield, +"?" black chain)

Saving throws:     Poison 9  Wands 9/5  Stone 10/6  Dragon 11(7)/7(3)  Spells 10/6 [p28]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+3 Long Sword           9   7   5   4   3   2   1  -1  -3   1d8+9      1d12+9       3    5
2-Handed sword          8   7   6   5   3   2   1   2   2   1d10+6     3d6+6        6    1
Firm Long Bow           8   6   5   4   2   0  -1  -2  -3   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
Spetum (disarm: AC8)   12  10   7   7   6   5   4   2   0   1d6+7      2d6+6        1    8
Daggar                 14  13  11  10   8   6   4   3   0   1d4+6      1d3+6
VS. UNARMORED MONST:   10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2  [add in weapon pluses]

Spells taken in:
	1st (4): P.Evil 14r, P.Evil 14r, Magic Missile 4 130', Ventril 9r 60'
	2nd (3): St. cloud 7r 2x2x2, Mirror Image 1d4+7% 14r, Invis (or STR)
	3rd (2): Haste 7creat 40x40 10r; Slow 160' 10r 40x40 7creat [+4att p67]
	4th (1): Poly Self 14t (then heal 1d12)
	Ring:  Cloudkill+ 10' 13r 4/6 40x20, Spectral Forces, Poly Self 8
		[wall of fire -> Poly Self 8, Confusion, Lightening 8]

Magic items:  	Fear wand (18 uses left).  Rented: +1 chain, XRay Binocs
	Heat Cleaver sword of cold +3 (+6 vs fire), speak W.Dragon,Common,Chaotic G/N/E
		det. traps 1-3, magic 1-5, and locates secret doors 1-2
		50% exting. fires 10'rad (incl. wall of fire). Invul to normal fire.
		Very: Max damage is 1pt/segment (10/r): lava, demon, hellh, wall of fire
		Excep:-2/die & -4save vs fireball, lava, wall of fire, breath, Balrog
	Cold wand 15 chg	[Laser Ruby 3 1d6 or 3d6, once per day]
	Anti-evil shirkin (one use per type of creature, N dice on N-dice monst)
	Skeleton sword: -2 Cursed, Det. Metal, Intell 7, Repels Undead ($3k→Llarn)
	Flaming +1 L. Sword #5:  detect gems (kind and number); C.N.
	+5% lockpick 	Crow (familiar; bestows good vision; 4 hits, AC7) at home
        Small skin of potion that does + or - 1d6 heal/hurt per gulp (10 doses)
	Certificate of resurrection (duplicate on file at Marchand church)
	Gauntlets of ogre strength: 19 STR, +3 attack, extra +6 damage
	Ring of spell storing 6 	2 & dark rings; headband
	1 potion of gaseous form in a small wineskin 
	1 +2/+2 arrow w/crawler poison and Dig2 MMs in Common, C.E., L.E., Neu.
	4 arrows crawler poison, C.Dark, 4 Dig2s.   1 s. skin of 5 doses scorpion poison.
	17 sets of Identify pearls and materials; 10 arrows w/15 pt.poison
	Explosive runes on 2 "scrolls", 2 "books", 2 plaques, 5 condolence cards
	1 vial of slug digestive acid, in vial, padded, in ex.heavy vial, padded, in 3rd vial.
	3 wineskins of quasimagic black wine.  Oral posion potion (from Manticore)
	Yeti claws, W. Dragon blood, Yeti blood
Can hit (diff in surpr dice)+3[Dex]  times during surprise round.
Can surprise on 1-6 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead (1-5 thru doors)[incl +3 for DEX]
   Carried (slung):     Rope: 50,30,6'	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	25 oils 	Thieving tools
			Charred ring of +1 Magic 	plate->leath in 1r
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
			400gp worth of incense. Material comps. for 20xspells.
   Bandelero of:        8 Holy Water  	MM Pellets	2 Daggars 	10 oils
   Quiver containing: 	MM arrows       7 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	12 silv arrows 	All other arrows
   Quiver containing:	24 silv arrows  6 arrows w/capped, poison-frog invis tips
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			25 Oil 		4 Empty flasks	4 weeks' rations
			2lb Wrapped meat1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			3 shells & pea	1 Flute		10 juggling balls
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (19 hits), Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 6 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations 1000 in gems
			48 silv arrows	1 l. compos. bow 2 skins of water 30gp

System shock: 91%		Resurrection: 94%
Will: 	Note certif. of ressurection;  hold those L.G.'s to their  contract.
   Assume this fails for  one reason or  another; offer my  Fear Wand (or  my
   cold wand, or ...) to any MagicUser who (Lim) WISHes me back; if not, then
   offer an item of mine  to a cleric who will  Raise Dead Fully on me  (fear
   wand, esp) Until this  occurs: In return for  her many friendly acts,  far
   more than any other Good character has rendered me, I hereby bequeath that
   Adriana the Ranger shall be given her choice of using any and all items  I
   possess.  Any  remaining  items  are  to be  diced  for  by  every  Lawful
   character who agrees to return them if ever I'm brought back.
Striking from behind: Triple damage.  	With surprise: extra +4 on attack
+3 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)	
Speaks: Thief cant, C.N., elf, gnome, hobbit, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common
Spells known: [45%; 5-7]
1st: Sleep 30'circ centered < 100' 35r, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Identify 7x50%, Charm 120', Ventril 60' 9r
	Magic Missle 4 1d4+1 130' 10'square, Friends 7r 60'rad, Write, Enlarge 2.4x, P.Evil 14r
2nd: Wiz. lock, St. Cld 7r 30' 2x2x2, Magic Mouth, Contin Lt 60'60'rad, Forget 3r, Mirr 14r
	Invis, Rope Trk 6indiv 14t 5-30', Web 14t 35' 40x20x10, Strength 7hrs, Knock
3rd: Fireball 170' 20'rad (33M cu.ft) 7d6, Clairvoy 7r, Phantas, Runes 6d4+6 10'rad
	Dispel Magic 120' 30'↑3, Haste 60/Slow 160' 10r 40x40 7creat +4att[p67], P.Evil 14r
	Clairaudience, Fly, Prot. Normal missles, Suggestion 8hrs
4th: Confus 9r 2d8 120' <60x60, Poly Self 14t, Fear 5-30 wide 60' long
	Pickpocket	    80%  (caught:  101%)   Twice per round.
	Open locks	    72%  (62% +5% magic lockpick)
	Locate/remove Traps 66%
	Move silently	    77%
	Hide in shadows	    69%
	Climb walls	    96%
	Read languages	    40%
	Hear noise	    30%

11 arrows (&invis. pellets) with MMs (>1) on them, touch-coded labels:
	Orcas call (& 3 repeats), Breathing (up to 15), Counting (4;N to M),
	Screams (up to 15), Laughs (up to 15), Footsteps (go/come; 15), Dig2
	Orcs call (and 2 repeats), Crying (to 15), Scraping, Hammering(to 15)
10 sim arrows with MMs and C.Lt, 10 sim w/C.Dark (no Orcas call)
Fake wand with button & Fake rod, each with 2 MMs that hum when "used"
Magic Mouths on all valuable possessions, which cry out at thieving attempt
Magic Mouths on back of armor, sword, sacks which warn of rear attack

Engraved invis. leather strips, 2" long, 1/2" wide, 1/10" thick. Four bundles:
Such strips have as a condition conjunct: "Party member says `Activate' to you"
20 repeaters: when a MM says something, wait for it to finish, then repeat it.
20 1;2: laugh loud if monster passes; cry if other MM laughs.
20 1;4: shout your number (1-20) if monster passes; if other MM shouts, repeat its no.
10 1;2If a fire giant passes, shout (in FG) "I've already looked this way;
	let's go back."; and then sound like footsteps. 5 have C.Dark on them.
"FG": If a fire giant passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"FG": If a fire giant passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"FR": If a frost giant passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"FR": If a frost giant passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"SG": If a stone giant passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"HG": If a hill giant passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"WW": If a winter wolf passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"HH": If a hellhound passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"HH": If a hellhound passes, then trigger (but don't bother Saying anything)
"DR": If a drow passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"DW": If a dwarf passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"HU": If a human passes, then trigger (but don't bother saying anything)
"UN": If an undead creature passes, then trigger (but say nothing)
THE FOLLOWING ARE ALL IN FG; all in one tied bundle; 2 copies of each.
If a fire giant passes or falls in, then say (FG) "This is the way. Come on!"
	and sound like receding footfalls.
FGS: If a fire giant passes or falls in, then say (FG) "This is the way. Come on!"
	and sound like receding footfalls.
If you have been told "Activate", then when the FGS MM fires, say (FG):
 	"... to the RIGHT!  This way!"
If you have been told "Activate", then when the FGS MM fires, say (FG):
 	"... to the LEFT!  This way!"
When a fire giant passes, shout "Go back, there's a piiiiiiiit!!!!" (lowering
	tone), pause 3 seconds, make a muffled death-cry.
When a fire giant passes, shout "Go back, there's a piiiiiiiit!!!!" (lowering
	tone), pause 3 seconds, make a muffled death-cry.
When a fire giant passes, shout "Oh no! There's a white dragon in here.
	It looks like it's going to brea... AIEEE!"
When a fire giant passes, shout "Oh no! There's a white dragon in here.
	It looks like it's going to brea... AIEEE!"
THE FOLLOWING ARE ALL IN COMMON: All in one tied bundle; 20 copies of each.
When a giant passes, shout "Quick, men, this way!  A giant is coming!"
When told "Activate", and FG goes off, shout "Quick around this way!
	A fire giant is coming!" and sound like running feet.
10 INTRUDER:  When any creature not in the party is about to enter, trigger.
20 silent relay: when INTRUDER or other relay triggers, softly repeat type/no.
3 report: When INTRUDER or relay triggers, quietly relate the type/no of intruders.
20 When INTRUDER/relay triggers, shout the creature's type and number repeatedly.
3 When a magic-carrying creature enters, shout "They have magic!" 3 times.
"MA": When a magic-carryin monster passes, trigger silently.
When MA triggers, whisper "They are carrying magic". (these are in thieves cant)
On helm, over ears: When a magic-carryin monster passes, whisper "It's carrying magic". 
Name: ARWEN↓Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 44059/40054
Class: F/MU   	Level: 6/6  		Alignment: N.G.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitqtion   Dexterity   Charisma
18.53 (25)      14          11          14           17          14

Hits: 	46    (+4 Crkw; old COJ bonuses)
	      10/3   8/2   7/3   10/4   9/3   8/3
Damage: 			       Hp 56"  Wt 79lbs  Age 183yrs

Gold: 16150			       Gold carried: 50g,10e,10c,10k in jewels
Doors: 19/20 (7/8) [p.145]	       Bars/gates: 100% [p.145,126]
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +6000
Hurl rocks: 160' 1d12(+13) [p.126]

Armor class: 2+6            (+2 Plate; +1 shield; +3 DEX mod)
	    [3+5 when using a bow or two-handed sword]

Saving throws:     Poison 10  Wands 11  Stone 12  Dragon 12  Spells 13

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L. Sword             7   5   3   2   1   0  -1  -3  -5   1d8+14     1d12+14      3    5
+3 Spear	        5   3   2   1  -1  -2  -3  -4  -5   1d6+16     1d8+16       1    7]
+4 2-Handed Sword       0  -2  -2  -3  -5  -6  -7  -6  -6   1d10+17    3d6+17       6    1
2-Handed Sword          4   2   2   1  -1  -2  -3  -2  -2   1d10+13    3d6+13       6    1
Firm Long Bow           5   3   2   0  -2  -4  -5  -6  -7   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
Ranseur (disarm: AC8)   9   7   6   4   3   2   1   0  -2   2d4+13     2d4+13       1    8]
[Lance (Heavy horse)	5   3   4   3   2   2   1   1   0   2d4+14     3d6+13       1    8]
[Firm L. Composite Bow  8   6   4   3   1  -1  -2  -4  -5   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
[+1/+2 Daggar	        9   8   4   3   0  -1  -3  -4  -7   1d4+13     1d3+14   1   1    2]
vs. UNARMORED monster:  6   5   4   3   2   1   0  -1  -2  [add in weapon pluses]

Spells taken in:
	1st (4): Light 60', Charm, Enlarge 120% 5t, Prot Evil 12r
	2nd (2): Stinking Cloud 30' 6r 20x20x20, Mirror Image 12r 1d4+6%
	3rd (2): Invis 10' radius; Lighteningbolt 6d6
Scrolls: detect magic, jump5 1t, MM7 190', FeatherFall13 around neck 10x10x10 2800lbs 130'
Magic items:  
	+2/+2 arrow, DIG2 in C.E., L.E., & then Common, crawler poison
	+1  N.G. Sword:	Sec. doors 1-5, Magic 1-5, Slope Pass 1-5, Read Magic, Speak
	Wineskin of potion that does + or - 1d4 some requisite per gulp (10 doses)
	Ring with MU continual light (inside), ring with clerical c. darkness
	Gauntlets of star giant strength: 25 STR, +6 attack, extra +13 damage
	False staff of power  ("BANG" flag comes out, wand shoots 1 needle/r)
	Discharged staff of power (bought from Tiflar) Fake rod w/ hum MM & C.Lt.
	1 Magic mouthed arrow (Footsteps receding), C. Lt. pellet (Laughter)
	7 C. Lt. MM'ed arrows: Fireball, wind, walk, count, cry, sing, whisper
	7 C. Dark arrows (C. Light headband), 4 w/MM sounds (walk,talk,breathe,scream)
	5 arrows w/DIG2, 1 w/MM breathing normally and C. Darkness.
	Potion of fire resistance (1 dose) in s. wineskin
	2 potion of gaseous fkrm, in separate small skins.
	+4 Greatsword #7 	+1 Daggar (+2 against giant class)
	Bronze Hkrn of Valhallah (2d4 berserker F4, AC4, 24hp, 6t, 1/wk)
	3 wineskins of quasimagic "very good wine" -- can't stop drinking it.
	Ring of Surprise +2	Crow (familiar; bestows good vision; 4 hits, AC7) 
	Explosive runes on 5 maps and 5 "scrolls" (actually just parchments)
	MMs on horn, scrolls, gauntlets, weapons: cry out at thieving attempt
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
Name: ARWENC	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 125,000/135,001/2501
Class: F/MU/Th	Level: 7/9/3		Alignment: N.G.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
18.53 (25)      14          11          10           17          14

Hits: 	58    (includes old CON bonuses)
Damage: 			       Ht 56"  Wt 79lbs  Age 183yrs
Gold: 776,150			       Gold carried: 50g,10e,10c,100k in jewels
Doors: 19/20 (7/8) [p.145]	       Bars/gates: 100% [p.145,126]
Unadjusted weight: 1⊗50	       	       Extra weight: +6000
Hurl rocks: 160' 1d12(+13) [p.126]

Armor class: 2+9            (+3 Plate; +1 shield; +3 DEX mod; ring of Prot+2)
	    [3+8 when using a bow or two-handed sword]

Saving throws:     Poison 8  Wands 7  Stone 9  Dragon 10  Spells 8 [RingOfProt]
	additional +2 to savE against any herbal agent
Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L. Sword             6   4   2   1   0  -1  -2  -4  -6   1d8+14     1d12+14      3    5
+3 Spear	        4   2   1   0  -2  -3  -4  -5  -6   1d6+16     1d8+16       1    7]
+4 2-Handed Sword      -1  -3  -3  -4  -6  -7  -8  -7  -7   1d10+17    3d6+17       6    1
Firm Long Bow           4   2   1  -1  -3  -5  -6  -7  -8   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
Ranseur (disarm: AC8)   8   6   5   3   2   1   0  -1  -3   2d4+13     2d4+13       1    8]
Lance (Heavy horse)	2   0   1   0  -1  -1  -2  -2  -3   2d4+14     3d6+13       1    8
[Firm L. Composite Bow  7   5   3   2   0  -2  -3  -5  -6   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
[+1/+2 Daggar	        8   7   3   2  -1  -2  -4  -5  -8   1d4+13     1d3+14   1   1    2]
vs. UNARMORED monster:  6   5   4   3   2   1   0  -1  -2  [1 better w/sword&bow]

Spells taken in:
	1st (4): MM5, Charm 180', Enlarge, PFE 18r; Mnem: MM5, HoldPerson
	2nd (3): Stinking Cloud 30' 9r 20x20x20, Mirror Image 18r 1d4+9%,Invis
	3rd (3): Lighteningbolt 9d6, Haste, Slow
	4th (2): Poly Self, Wall of Fire
	5th (1)8 HoldMonster
Scrolls: detect magic, jump5 1t, MM7 190', FeatherFall13 around neck 10x10x10 2800lbs 130'
	 hold person, dispel magic, fly, poly self, magic jar, ProtUndead
Magic items:  
	+2/+2 arrow, DIG2 in C.E., L.E., & then Common, crawler poison
	+1  N.G. Sword:	Sec. doors 1-5, Magic 1(
jX↓'Y←a∀A!CgL@bZj0A%KC⊂A≠CO%FXA'AKCV~(∪/S]∃gWS\↓←LAa=iS←\↓iQCh↓I←KfVA←dZ@cHPAg←[∀AeKcUSgSi∀AaKd↓OkY`Pb`A⊃←gKf$~∀∪%%]NAo%iPA≠TAG←]QS]kC0AYSO!h@QS9gSIJ$XAeS9NAoSQPAGY∃aSGC0AF\A⊃CeW]∃gf~∀%∂Ck]QYKif↓←LAgQCdAO%C]hAMieK]≥iPt@HjA'	HX@Vl↓CiiC
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;Y`≥H36<d[3P⊂⊂∀4w3@ of Garith
	2 Potion of gaseouq foRm( iN separate small skins.
	+4 Greats@]←eH@j@∩VDA↓CO≥Cd@P,dACO¬S]gh↓KSC]PAGYCMfR~∀%↓e←]iJA⊃←β∪9β?2α[π∪F33π@↓!K⊃ β↔K≤∧W-y<Hλfλ⊂(6	λFM≤λεnλ%}zj#!!,h≥m≥Y<rm≥\h≠l@⊂8z`\tp
agic "very @≥←←HAβ;';∃⊂↓5%β≤9∨Q¬≠S?Aε#K'≠↑K;≥βM!0$(M∪';≥ε{⊃αO-∪CK'≤)↓-HL≠K ?t¬ε6∞β:3
≤<N`,<⎇≠n}h→{m|λ≥Z.tsw
H~⊂44]9R⊂ P[TPεB∧b|8≠7yt{→P9:g→yP7gλ~P6p\9P0w→⊂~P⊃≤qy7v≠9Q⊂∀_qz:p[68	 Just parchments)
	MMs on horn, scrolhs, gauntlets, weapons: cry out at thievingattempt
	MagiC MouTh on backof armor which warns of rear @¬iaCG,A←dAQQSKm%]N~∀$VdA%%]O∨MAe←hQ\R@A%%]NA←_A'KK%]mSg%EYJ@@A∪]YSfA!=iS←\A'i←9J[
C1YS]N!.RAM A≠K⊃CYYS=\~∀∪	eCgf↓¬eCu%KdA←_A'k[=\Mπ←9ie←X↓
SeJ↓YK[∃]iCX@dAQ∃CYS]≤Aa←i%←]f~(∩fA!!CeC[=]HA[¬GKft↓MYsS9NAEC1YfAo!SGPA¬iiCG,ACf@,f@oI [YKm∃XAMSα;#S↔↔→04(HK∪=↓∞!Yβ↔∞≠!β↔∞≠!βK␈+;⊃αDzIβ≠eIαb>∩↓EAAoβ?';"βK↔S⊗K	βfOP4PJOCπ⊗)i↓-~β≠?3&K;≥β.c[↔9ε≠#π'sYβ∂3/∪'∂πbβOSπ61β?→ε≠WKπv9↓!I*β∂#π⊗;↔M$hP$&∨∂+;S3/≠Qβ?2α?∂K*αOSK.s∨S!αAEa→↓A1↓[→=-YJa↓-E¬≠#'↔f 4*↔∂+'C7.sQh$hQ↓↓α≡KK'.!↓#Og+;≥%R↓↓↓↓β⊃↓UA:βK?C/_%Iβ≡[';Mε{⊃β←∂#↔I1β⊃β?→εs?K7∞aβ←'v(4($HIEα3}s≥α␈8%Eα⊗;O↔/⊂%I6F;∪↔ βO←?⊗ 4(∧HIaα1rβOπ∂←_%Mα∨β↔πK_IEα3}s≥αO>{K⊂4PH$%Eα9βC?f(%Eβ≤Cπ'9εkπ'1εs↔Q↓C	CaEα9%?#}{/L4PH$%Iπ;';↔≡[';Mε{→β#}ceβ←∂#↔I↓C	A↓Eαk['πbβOGWO∪SMβ.∂!$hP$$%∩↓UA≥π∪?C↔~β]?/v{SMβ/3↔Keβ)≥&f+?6∂F+OQ↓F∪KπkN+A1β≡≠K?3g→$4)α↓α←?⊗qh$%[⊃αC3∂#∃βπ⊗k?Iβ in 1r
   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	5 Spikes 	6 Special darts
			Special: poisoned (save at +1 or die), invis'ed, capped.
   Sack containing: 	2 empty flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quivers with:      	8 flame arrows	30 silv arrows 	all MM/spec arrows
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 empty skin	4 Empty flasks	3 weeks' rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 striped wineskin w/crawler poison
			Sack: oily rags, wax, string, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda, pepper
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse, Plate barding, Lance   18hps
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 4 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 skin of wine
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations
			1 long composite bow		48 silv. arrows

System shock: 85%		Resurrection: 90%

Can hit (diff in surpr dice)+2[Dex]+2[Ring] times during surprise round.
Can surprise on 1-6 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead (1-4 thru doors)
[this includes a +2 due to DEX; including the +2 ring, it's 1-6 even thru doors]
Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common tongue

Psychic:  Can intuit traps (50%, 3"), secret doors (50%, 1"), enemies (25%, 6"),
	    and evil (25%, 3");  Can speak with plants or animals once/day 18r

Spells known: [55%; 6-9]
	1st: Sleep, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Magic Missle, Tens. disk, Jump, Prot. Evil, Ventril
	     		Detect Magic, Enlarge, Shocking grasp, Charm, Identify, Unseen Servant
	2nd: ESP, Invis, Levitate, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Web, MMouth,
			Wizard Lock, Locate Object, Leom. Trap, C. Light
	3rd: Haste, Slow, Lightening, Clairvoy, Dispel Magic, Invis 10',
			Prot. Missles, Leo. Hut, Phantas Force, Tongues

Defn of DIG2: 
	MM#1: If arrow hits, say "I must warn you that if you don't pull me out
			within 4 rounds, I will have buried to your heart and killed you."
      	MM#2: If arrow goes on by, say "OK, guys, now we can get him from behind!"

Thiefly skills:  Climb 87%
Pickpocket 50%   OpenLock 38%   Det/RemTrap 30%   MvSilent 42%   HideShdw 35%
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	2 skins of water, 2 of normal wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Ranseur	2-Handed sword
			8 L. sacks	3 Spears	1 Long Sword
			10' pole	1 chain mail net (10x10')/hooks
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirps each)
			2 50' ropes w/knots every 5' 	Ashes of Fchelrek's books
   Worn:		+2 Plate armor with straps making it stpippable in 1r
   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	5 Spikes 	6 Special darts
↓		Special: poisoned (+10 damage, savE at +4), invissed, capped.
   Sack containing: 	2 empty flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   QuiVers with:      	8 flame arrows	30 silv arrows 	all MM/spec arrows
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 empty skin	4 Empty flasks	3 weeks' rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 striped wineskin w/crawler poison
			Sack: oily rags, wax, string, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda, pepper
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse, Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 4 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 skin of wine
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations
			1 long composite bow		48 silv. arrows

E.P. Bonus:  Fighter 10%
Base to Hit AC2: 13	Attack bonus: +6 (for Gauntlets), +1 (for Elf)

Will:  In return for his paying for 1/3 of my gauntlets' tax (over 3000gp),
	Thorn shall inherit those gauntlets.  Adriana has first pick of my other
	magic items, except Morrn owns half of the Blob sword and he gets that.
	After that, all characters may then dice for
	all my remaining items. After repaying res. expenses, divide gold evenly.

System shock: 85%		Resurrection: 90%

Can hit (diff in surpr dice)+2[Dex]+2[Ring] times during surprise round.
Can surprise on 1-6 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead (1-4 thru doors)
[this includes a +2 due to DEX; including the +2 ring, it's 1-6 even thru doors]
Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common tongue

	Can intuit traps (1-6), secret doors (1-3), enemies (25%)
	Can intuit evil (25%), speak with plants or animals once/day

Spells known: [55%; 6-9]
	1st: Sleep, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Magic Missle, Tens. disk, Jump, Prot. Evil, Ventril
	     		Detect Magic, Enlarge, Shocking grasp, Charm, Identify, Unseen Servant
	2nd: ESP, Invis, Levitate, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Web, MMouth,
			Wizard Lock, Locate Object, Leom. Trap, C. Light
α	3rd: Haste, Slow, Lightening, Clairvoy, Dispel Magic, Invis 10',
			Prot. Missles, Leo. Hut, Phantas Force, Tongues

Defn of DIG2: 
	MM#1: If arrow hits, say "I must warn you that if you don't pull me out
			within 4 rounds, I will have buried to your heart and killed you."
      	MM#2: If arrow goes on by, say "OK, guys, now we can get him from behind!"
Name: ELVOR	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 126676/39136	
Class: MU/F   	Level: 8/6  		Alignment: N.G.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   17           17          14          14           16          11

Hits: 	35			       Ht 60" Wt 100lbs Age 185 yrs

Gold:     			       Gold carried: 
Doors:  1-3                	       Bars/gates:  20%
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +1000

Armor class: 2+3            (Plate; +3 DEX mod)
Currently:   4+4            (+1 chain borrowed from Thron; +3 DEX)

Saving throws:     Poison 10  Wands 9  Stone 8  Dragon 10  Spells 11

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
L. Sword               12  10   8   7   6   5   4   2   0   1d8+1      1d12+1       3    5
 not armored	       10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2
+4 2-Handed Sword       5   3   3   2   0  -3  -4  -5  -5   1d10+5     3d6+5        6    1
 not armored	        6   5   4   3   1   0  -1  -2  -3
2-Handed sword          9   7   7   6   4   1   0  -1  -1   1d10+1     3d6+1        6    1
 not armored	       10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2
Firm Long Bow          12  10   9   7   5   3   2   1   0   1d6+1      1d6+1      7/14/21
 not armored	       11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3
Ranseur (disarm: AC8)  13  11  10   8   7   6   5   4   2   2d4+1      2d4+1        1    8]
 not armored	       11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3

Spells taken in:
	1st (4): Identify 8x55%, Shield 40r, Prot. Evil 16r, Tensor Disk 11t 800lbs 6"movement
	2nd (3): Stinking Cloud 30' 8r 20x20x20, Mirror Image 16r 1d4+8%, Strength
	3rd (3): Haste 11r 40x40 8creat, Haste, Lighteningbolt 8d6
	4th (2): Polymorph Self 16t, Poly Self

Magic items:  
	Ring with MU continual light (inside)
	1 Magic mouthed arrow (Footsteps receding), C. Lt. pellet (Laughter)
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Ranseur	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	1 Long Sword	
			2 50' ropes w/knots every 5' (carried by Thorn)
   Bandelero of:        3 Holy Water  	3 Spikes 	
   Sack containing: 	1 Oil flask 	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	1 Wolvesbane	
			1 Oil  		2 Empty flasks	1 weeks' rations
			3 candles       3 Holy water	10 identify pearls
			1 long composite bow		48 silv. arrows (5 w/C)

E.P. Bonus:  Fighter 10% MU 10%

Will:  As Arwen convinced me to come on this venture, upon her shoulders rests
	the burden of restoring my belongings to my heirs, in <hometown>.
	For dragging my body out of the frost giants lair, I bequeath to
	Thorn his choice of any one of my magic items (if any) acquired
	since that time; he must aid in restoring my gold and other items
	to my heirs, for his obligation to be ended. For losing his magical
	plate armor, I also bequeath to Thorn any magical armor I may have.

System shock: 85%	Resurrection: 90%	Base to hit AC2: 14
Bonus to hit: +1 elf, +1 Str, + weapon bonuses if any.

Can surprise on 1-4 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead (1-2 thru doors)
+2 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)
Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common tongue

75% [8-14]
3rd level spells known: Fireball, Lightening, Haste, Waterbreathe, Clairvoy
4th level spells known: Wall of Fire, Poly Self, Charm Monst, Confusion, (Wiz. eye)
Name: ADRIANA	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 45542/45542
Class: Ranger/Cleric	Level: 6/5(6)  	Alignment: N.G.		Race: Half-Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
  18.88         13          16          14           13          12

Hits: 	47	[Includes old CON bonuses]
	      7/8/5  8/4  5/8  6/7  7/2  5
Damage:  			       Ht 61" Wt 113lbs Age 56yrs

Gold: 44957			       Gold carried: 250g, 1000 in gems
Doors: 1-4    			       Bars/gates: 30%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +1500

Armor class: 2+3            (+2 Plate, +1 shield)

Saving throws:     Poison  9  Wands 10  Stone 11  Dragon 11  Spells 12 + Wis bonus

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Trollcrusher (L sword) 12  10   8   7   6   5   4   2   1   1d8+5      1d12+5       3    5
Spetum  (disarm: AC8)  13  11   9   8   7   5   5   3   2   1d6+5      2d6+4        1    8
2-Handed sword          9   8   7   6   4   3   2   3   3   1d10+4     3d6+4        6    1
Firm Long Bow          12  10   9   7   5   3   2   1   0   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
[Lance (Heavy horse)   11  10  10   9   8   8   7   7   6   2d4+5      3d6+4        1    8]
[Firm L. Composite Bow 14  12  10   9   7   5   4   2   1   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
  unarmored:	       13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5 

Extra +6 damage against Bugbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolls,
			Trolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres

Spells taken in:
	1st (5): CurLt, Prot/Evil, Command, Sanctuary, Fear
	2nd (5): Speak with animals, Hold Person, Silence, Find Traps, Prot. Fire
	3rd (1): Prayer

Magic items:  
	Trollcrusher: +1 Good long sword (+3/+3 on Trolls); Intell 11, Ego 3
		x2 gems-finding, see invisible, read magic, speak common; 300g gems.
	+2 plate armor, +1 Shield
	Rings with clerical continual light (inside) and darkness
	7 C. Lt. MM'ed arrows: Fireball, wind, walk, count, cry, sing, whisper
	7 C. Dark arrows (C. Light headband), 4 w/MM sounds (walk,talk,breathe,scream)
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	Fake wand with buTton, magic mouthed to hum & c/lt'dark if pushed.
 	MM identifying paper: 10sec. delAy: "I saw∞.." for each encountered monst.
	1 dose of potion of gaseous form
	+2/+2 arrow with DIG2 in CommoN, NeU, then C.E.
	Healing potion
	Scrolls: Dispel Magic13, Jump5, Featherfall 13, Magic Missle 13 (7 missileq)
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin holy wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum 	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	Trollcrusher    1 10' pole
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy Water  	4 Spikes 	2 oils
   Sack containing~ 	1 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   QuIver containing:	8 flame arrows	15 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 SiLver Crh∂gf∩bAβ9iR[O¬ee←h↓[KiC0AEC]⊂Ak]I∃dAG←1YCd~(@@A∪8AECG-aCGVh∩∩bA	KYYC⊃←]]B$bA∂CIYSF∩HA/←YYKgEC9J∩~∀$∩∩bA=SX@@$∩hA5airA→YCgWL∩bAo∃KVOf↓eCiS=]f~∀$∩∩lA
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↔6*X≡≤y9∧9→λ∧¬,,	!QB1[n$→88m∧~≠⎇.$≠yH∞,:;Kn=[⎇h≤→λλ∧∧λλλ∧¬,M)!QC"@↓IX;9'$∪3tJ)B3uml<NHλM⎇9h	L;X=↓_rience: 36,023
Class: F     	Level: 6    		Alignment:  N.G.	Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   17           10          11          19+1         12          13

Hits: 	69    (Con bonus +4)
	      10  10  5  8  5  7
Damage: 6

Gold: 11709             	       Gold usually carried: 50, 1k in gems
Doors: 1-3    			       Bars/gates: 10%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +350

Armor class: 2+1  (2+5 vs giant-types)     ( +1 Plate; Dwarf)

Saving throws:     Poison 4   Wands 5   Stone 6   Dragon 6  Spells 8    (CON bonus +5)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L. Sword            13  11   9   8   7   6   5   3   1   1d8+2      1d12+2       3    5
Firm Long Bow          12  10   9   7   5   3   2   1   0   1d6+1      1d6+1        7/14/2
2-Handed sword          9   8   7   6   4   3   2   3   3   1d10+1     3d6+1        6    1
 unarmored             12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs
-4 on enemy attack by ogres, giants, titans, trolls

Magic items:  
	Ring with MU continual light (inside)
	1 arrow with Magic Mouth on it (Pseudo-Wish), 1 similar pellet
	6 arrows with tips that were poisoned, invised, and capped (insin C)
	1 arrow with tip that was c. darked, 5 simult. MMs do approaching footsteps.
	5 arrows whose tips were C. Lighted, MMed to scream, breath, OrcasCall, count
	Fake rod with button, 3MMed to hum if pushed; also uncoverable C.Lt. tip.
	2 bottles of soapy water
	+1 plate armor
	10 Harpy feathers, 1 Harpy tongue
	1 potion of gaseous form 
	+1 NG Sword Noguk, +4 vs slimes/blobs, Sec doors 1-5, Magic 1-5,
		Sloping passages 1-5, Read Magic, Speak
	Scrolls:  Jump (5), FeatherFall 13, MM7	
	Fresh 2 Lightening & Fireball scroll; magic chain armor.
	Magic Mouth on back od armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	From Deck of many things:  ability to avoid any situation (one time)

   Carried (slung):     50' rope      	1 skin water    1 skin holy water
			1 Long Bow	2 L. sacks	2-Handed sword
			3 Sm. sacks	1 leather armor	2 iron spikes
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        4 Holy Water  	1 MM Pellet 	3 special darts
   Sack containing: 	9 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Padded sack of:	50 Molotov cocktails: 30% flameout, 30% glass does not
				shatter, 20% oil fails to ignite
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	8 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			9 Oil  		1 mirror        1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (21hp), Plate barding, Lance
   In qaddlebags:	48  arrows	2 holy water
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all characters, items diced for.
	This is after repaying party memberq who spent funds trying to ress. me.
System shock: 100%		Resurrection: 1⊂0%

Speaks: N.G., dwarvish, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, common

	Detect Slopes	    75%
	Detect new construc 75%
	Detect shift walls  67%
	Detect traps	    50%
	Estimate depth	    50%
Name: GAILI	Owner: Merle Lenat	Experience: 20477
Class: F     	Level: 5    		Alignment:  N.  	Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 18.93           5          14          16           17(18)      11

Hits: 	45    (Con bonus +2)	      Age 53 Ht 51" Wt 140 
	      6   9   8   3   9
Gold: 18,054            	       Gold usually carried: 50, 3k in gems
Doors: 1-4    			       Bars/gates: 30%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +1500

Armor class: 2+3  (2+7 vs giant-types)     (Plate; +3 DEX; Dwarf)
Saving throws:     Poison 6   Wands 7   Stone 8   Dragon 8  Spells 10   (CON bonus +4)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
L. Sword               14  12  10   9   8   7   6   5   2   1d8+5      1d12+5       3    5
Firm Long Bow           9   7   6   4   2   0  -1  -2  -3   1d6+2      1d6+2        7/14/2
2-Handed sword         10   9   8   7   5   4   3   4   4   1d10+5     3d6+5        6    1
Battle Axe	       14  12  11   9   8   6   5   3   1   1d8+5      1d8+5
vs unarmored           12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs; -4 on att. from ogres, giants, titans, trolls

Magic items:  
	+1 Sword, protection from undead; Neutral; Intell 4 (bought for 18k)
	Axe 3 from hill giant fortress
	Rings with Clerical continual light and darkness (inside)
	1 arrow with C.Dark & Magic Mouth on it (Laughing), 1 similar pellet
	Fake rod with button, MMed to hum if pressed, C. Lt. tip (covered now)
	Invisible +1 daggar (borrowed from Adriana)
	Potion of gaseous form (bought from Adriana for $3k)
   Carried (slung):     50' rope      	1 skin water    1 skin holy water
			1 Long Bow	2 L. sacks	2-Handed sword
			3 Sm. sacks	1 leather armor	2 iron spikes
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Sack containing: 	5 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	8 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			2 Oil  		1 mirror        1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		M. Warhorse (20hp), Plate barding
   In saddlebags:	48  arrows	2 holy water	4 50' ropes
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 l. comp. bow

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all dwarves; others may dice for items.
System shock: 95%		Resurrection: 96%
Speaks: N.G., dwarvish, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, common
	Detect Slopes	    75%
	Detect new construc 75%
	Detect shift walls  67%
	Detect traps	    50%
	Estimate depth	    50%
Name: GAILI	Owner: Merle Lenat	Experience: 20477
Class: F     	Level: 5    		Alignment:  N.  	Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 18.93           5          14          16           17          11

Hits: 	45    (Con bonus +2)	      Age 53 Ht 51" Wt 140 
	      6   9   8   3   9
Gold: 18,054            	       Gold usually carried: 50, 3k in gems
Doors: 1-4    			       Bars/gates: 30%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +1500

Armor class: -2   (-6  vs giant-types)     (+1 Plate; +3 DEX; Dwarf)
Saving throws:     Poison 6   Wands 7   Stone 8   Dragon 8  Spells 10   (CON bonus +4)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
L. Sword               14  12  10   9   8   7   6   5   2   1d8+5      1d12+5       3    5
Firm Long Bow           9   7   6   4   2   0  -1  -2  -3   1d6+2      1d6+2        7/14/2
2-Handed sword         10   9   8   7   5   4   3   4   4   1d10+5     3d6+5        6    1
Battle Axe	       14  12  11   9   8   6   5   3   1   1d8+5      1d8+5
vs unarmored           12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs; -4 on att. from ogres, giants, titans, trolls

Magic items:  
	+1 Sword, protection from undead; Neutral; Intell 4 (bought for 18k)
	+4 Axe
	Rings with Clerical continual light and darkness (inside)
	1 arrow with C.Dark & Magic Mouth on it (Laughing), 1 similar pellet
	Fake rod with button, MMed to hum if pressed, C. Lt. tip (covered now)
	Invisible +1 daggar (borrowed from Adriana)
 	Potion of extra healing, invisiBility, polymorph self, extra healing
   Carried (slung):     50' rope      	1 skin water    1 skin holy water
			1 Long Bow	2 L. sacks	2-Handed sword
			3 Sm. sacks	1 leather armor	2 iron spikes
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Sack containing: 	5 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	8 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			2 Oil  		1 mirror        1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		M. Warhorse (20hp), Plate barding
   In saddlebags:	48  arrows	2 holy water	4 50' ropes
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 l. comp. bog

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all dwarves; others may dice for items.
System shock: 95%		Resurrection: 96%
Speaks: N.G., dwarvish, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, common
	Detect Slopes	    75%
	Detect new construc 75%
	Detect shift walls  67%
	Detect traps	    50%
	Estimate depth	    50%
Name: REINA  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 1373
Class: Ranger       	Level: 1       	Alignment: C.G.		Race: Human
God: Mielikki, the goddess of nature.   Secondary god: Anhur, god of warriors

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 18.100         15          17          17            9          16

Hits: 	22				Age 21  Wt 196 lbs  Ht 73"

Gold:      			       Gold carried: 
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +3000 (300lbs)

Armor class: 7  (Leather&shield)

Saving throws:     Poison 11  Wands 12  Stone 14  Dragon 15  Spells 15 [Wis +3]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             16  14  12  11  10   9   8   6   4   1d8+6      1d12+6       3    5
2-Handed sword         12  11  10   9   7   6   5   6   6   1d10+6     3d6+6        6    1
Firm Long Bow          15  13  12  10   8   6   5   4   3   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
[Lance (Heavy horse)   14  13  14  12  11  11  10  10   9   2d4+7      3d6+6        1    8]
  unarmored            17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10   9   

Extra +1 damage against Bqgbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolhs,
			Trklls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres

Magic items:  

   Armor:		1 Leather armor 1 Shield
   Carried (slufg)8     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin wine
			1 Long Bow	1 L. Sword
			3 L. sacks	1 Daggar        1 10' pole (stick)
			1 wineskin of holy water (10 squirts)
   Bandelero of:        1 Dagger      	4 Spikes(wood)	1 oil 
   Sack containing: 	2 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&steel
   Quiver containing:	17  arrows
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrkt metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Garlic	1 set of local maps & ref. books
			4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
			2 candles       1 steel  mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda

E.P. Bonus:  10%	Strength +3 attack, +6 damage
System shock: 97%	Resurrection: 98%
Speaks: alignment, common
Can surprise on 1-3	Only surprised on a 1
    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
	Normal passage or room		65%
	Through door or stairs		55%
	Through trap door		45%
	Through secret door		25%
	Base chance to track is		       90%
	For each creature over 1 tracked add	2%
	For each 24hrs that have elapsed add  -10%
	For each hour of rain/snow add        -25%
Name: KILE   	Mwner8 Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0
Class: Th/F/H*@@@@@%→KmKαa`∩β∃v∩{
∧∧L∞M≤vvn]nCB∧5hRb|5ibr~,⊗≡+$λbb∧]L`hT⎇|CR¬O_λm+λ≥
≤y;XlTλλ∃m≡y≠{$∧λ⊂smn⎇~=∞↑~;{D∧λ⊃→/∞α2y4]<P⊂⊂⊂t0y4\vpFEλ⊂⊂_IH⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ_[⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂≠H⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂X¬           1_          11

Hits: 	12				Age 1\h
Gold:      		↓       Gold carried: 100gp pearl
DoOp¬ft@DZd@@@∩∩∩@@@@A¬CeL←OCi∃ft@h∀@@@@@@@@4∃+]C⊃Ukgi∃HAoK%H∂#QR↓↓↓↓I↓↓↓α↓↓%α↓↓↓↓αα↔cS⊗	β←↔L;#QiαYEAAαAEC3↔→$4(hRπK↔⎇⊃β∂3∂≠Mi↓~↓↓"3.S#↔∩3G#'.c⊃→-$#↔aβ⊗{;WMHh(4*≡[';8∧π&G-}wR∧∧αα¬
7ε.MN2β!Q hU∞-v6N=≤Vv∨∀
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Tv∂-]w⊗.D∧αααε⊗rαβ⊗dαβT∧βλλ&4λ,D∧,(∧ε,λλ∧π#"S
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{→8.-+λ⊂M}kλ_-lλ∀X-ny=<Ed∪[⎇T≤≠{\<[<d≠h→
}8[→$∞\h_m<Yy!QT|→-M≤nH¬εM)+∧εk,,%⊃"B4mL9<∧	9→;NM9↑+∧
z≠xm=;Yh}X<|¬D⊃Z;LD⊃X;-≥~8<ED∀Y8,D≠89m≤kλ⊃↑→8u∧
89z,1"B4n;≠_M⎇znH
=→9<¬D⊃→=\⎇λ≠,≤z8k∧
{→9.¬λ∀{\<β"I\9z8d
O(_Y-≥Yh~]→∞H∞|;Y∞d∞{;zlU9Z;
9;]π!#"H∧∧⊂<[-}NB"&∀∪→8.M→<H≡[;|Dε(_X.N→<Y,D≤z~,]→≤c!$λλ⊂l≡\Z9,D
,	d∞[|→.1,(≤m=8π⊂;Xz2y⊂λ⊂⊂_P≤utw⊂≥tw2FB∧DDXH&7w3H!7{DLP&↔⊂∀{wy2αXP2f\:<P+Zw2yuZwεE∧BDYP&⊂9pqZyDXPX∪P8≠v2P∀≤z4quJFE⊂⊂λ!0w2→v2y7H7s≥⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂_P"_ssryλ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ∧Z⊂)\4ur`3(wood)	1 oil 
   Sack containing: 	2 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&Steel  1 oil
   Quiver containing:	16  arrows
   Worn argund neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrh∂hA5KiCX↓EC]H↓k]IKHAG←Y1Cd~∀@A∪\↓ECGWACGVt$∩bA∂¬eYSF$bAYk5`A←L↓GQKKMJ~∀∩$∩hA5airA→YCgWL∩bAo∃KVOf↓eCiS=]f@Q%]GX\↓Kqie∧AoCI∃dR
↓↓α↓↓↓↓λβOS↔,a↓β7O∪K ?!⊗∩π≡Udπ<8zh
|H→≥.>β"B!⊃4x8m↔H≤X,}hε⊂ !lcohol, wax, stp¬S]NαaβCπNsQ1β↔∪WO!bβ';-bβCπC/⊂4)↓αα?9β⊗+3AhHJC?W≡Aβ?→εC↔K≠QβOW>I1β≡3QD
ε/πXED~≠sL←+λ_L≥z;Yd∞{y_!Q@εE"K(∪⊂!≠w:y]λ⊂_X↔L↔XX∧Q"h⊂1≠w:y]λ∃Z⊂ PT⊂∃YH6tyiZv2P#~y2P0[2⊂4w~z4pz~{2FE∃tpl:  
System shock: 91%	Resurrection: 94%
Speaks: alignment, common, thief cant, elf, gnome, haldhing,  hob)goblin, orc, gnolL
InfraviSion 60'  90% i@5[kMJ↓iP≥β≤c↔πAε;⊃β≡CπKT∧α¬≡\8L↑λ→≠m}\h
⊂Tπ6 (2/6 id loOhπS@;8¬⊂hT<≥bπ∨↑.π⊗O<Tε}rε⊂&D
λ ⊗L⊂:49≥P27w\α) iF alone or 90' away fph∂ZA5KiCY%uKHAACeiR4∃)QS∃MQrAMWS@3g→i↓α≡c'7	R↓aU∀hRC'∂←β?∂//!a↓Q*↓↓αCL≠ ~εM|6@>nHfTλλ⊃M≥Y|L];⎇Q$∞≤X<∞7H@~H⊂⊂$4Y2]⊂→L⊂⊂⊂)Zv2w:∞⊂→X∩CEβ'0vrN⊂&& T'∧g`7ner: Doug Lenat	Expep¬SK]
Jt@fT`d`↑Lj`d`4∃πYCMftA) ←@@∪→Km∃Xt@l<l@@∩%βYSO9[K@;#Q↓↓αrp$&K∞≠∃iα';πK_hP4*O'∪↔;∨&A↓↓αNsS↔3fK∨↔;≡)↓↓α>KO&⎇Tαα∧=⎇g∨&≡NW&N⎇dαα∧L←π&/-≡GJα∧λ6F∂-≡6nλQ$βBe⊗2αα∧∧ααα∧∧αβB∧∧ααα∧∧αααπ∧ααα∧∧ααα∧ε∪*α∧∧ααα∧∧ααβ⊗dααα∧∧ααα∧∧βHh!Q$FON7"KF∀ααα↓Q Jα∧∧ααβUwαααεes2α∧εR{:∧∧β"{∀∧αβ~w∀ααβEv⊂hTL≥V∞>W!PPh(⎇vf#$ε∪"cfεpHH∀∧ααα∧∧∧>}LDπ/∨\≥FgJ<↔↔⊗≤\CRβVλsZβ]0εNr|Vo~aQ$&↑}.3Rβ∃RBαC∃⊃⊂HJ∧∧ααα∧λ&∂↔5|v∂&↑7"β≠TTααα∧∧ααα↓Q%.v≤M'/∨L\Bπ>]_vG#$ε∪#+↓∀ααα∧∧αJ∧∧ααα∧λWG≤X ∞|:9z∞GH
lFεβ"AQP8	6[y⊂1f_yy]⊂∃Y⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂
→⊂  ,ate/shielD9 2 DEX mod)
  wheN thiEvingh@pVd@@@@@@Pp↓→KCi!Kdv@nds 6   Stone 7   Dragon 5   Spells 8    (CON bonus +4)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
L. Sword               11   9   7   6   5   4   3   1  -1   1d8+5      1d12+5       3    5
Firm Long Bow           6   4   3   1  -1  -3  -4  -5  -6   1d6+2      1d6+2        7/14/2
2-Handed sword          7   6   5   4   2   1   0   1   1   1d10+5     3d6+5        6    1
Spear                   8   6   5   4   2   1   0  -1  -2   1d6+5      1d8+5        1     
Spear (hurled)          8   7   5   4   2   0  -1  -2  -3   1d6+2      1d8+2     1/2/3]
[Magic +0 Club         13  11   9   7   5   4   2   1  -1   1d6+5      1d3+5        2     ]
[Firm L. Composite Bow  9   7   5   4   2   0  -1  -3  -4   1d6+2      1d6+2     6/12/21]
[Wooden Darts           9   7   5   3   1  -1  -3  -3  -5   1d3+1      1d2+1   0.7/1.5/3]
 vs unarmored          11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs
-4 on enemy attack by ogres, giants, titans, trolls
Ability to attack at +3 with nonmetallic weapons

Magic items:  
	Potion (#7) of storm eiant strength
	Skeleton sword: -2 Cursed, Det. Metal, Intelhλ@n0A%Ka∃YfA+9IKCH~∀∩V@A≠CO%FAGYUD~∀∪]S]Kg-S\A←_Aa←i%←\Ai!ChAI=Kf@V↓←d@ZcHhAM←[JAIKckSMSiJAAKdAOUY`\~(∪¬e←9uJA⊃=eTA←_A-CY!CYYC @QiK5`\An=βeoK8R~∀∪IS]NA]SiPA5*AG←9iS]k¬XAYS≥Qh@Q%]gSI∀RAC]⊂AGYKISGCX↓F\AI¬eV~∀%
CWJ↓oC]H↓oSiP↓Ekii=\XA[¬OSFA5←kiQ∃HAi↑↓QkZA]QK\AAeKgg∃H~∀∩DACee=nAoSQPA≠C≥SFA≠=kiPA=\AShQ!gKUI↑[/%gPRXbAgS5SYCd↓aKYY∃h~(Lkπ∨'~α7?W&Aβ?9ε∪π∂-ε{⊂∩ε≡-V␈∩∞⎇εN≡∧∞v∂⊗n4ε}2∞,V∂∩≡G&∞=4ε␈∩∞MεN/m≥f8h!⊗"ε∂.-w?~∞⎇↔&Bλ5b∧gEdε}r∞Mε.hQ!∃&N≥Dε}2⎇⊗∞wD∞6g.tFN>↑>FO6T
	Mvv:λ-w8K∀λ6g∞!⊃∪∩l≥f&.D∞7>␈,APPH⊃⊗2∧bd∞6∞≡>1∪B¬>λV∂↔1~FFN↑h
=+H≤l≤z|b&∀≠→8.M→<H≡[;|A⊗H~0→≠w⊂9x~uryFB∧DDXH9urv⊂9{w\2∧XP≤βhield which fits over that sword
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
α   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	1 MM Pellet 	3 special darts
   Sack containing: 	2 Mid Flasks	5 Topches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrowq	22 silv arrowq 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   QuIver containing~	24 silv arrows  12 arrowq w/capped, poisoned, invis tips
   Worn around neck: 	1 SIlver Aross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			2 Oil  		2 Silv mirrors  1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (19 hits), Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 2 holy water
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	2 holy water	1 wk rations
			48 silv arrows	1 l. compos. bow 2 skins of water
			20 gold		1 100gold Gem	12 poison silv arrkws

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  Thief 10%
Sword Attack bonus: +5 (for FTR)( +2 (for STR)
Club Attack bonus:  +5 (for FTR), +2 (for STR), +3 (NonmeTallic weapon)
Misl Attack bonus:   +5 (for FTR), +2 (for DEX), +3 (Nonmetallic weapon), +2 STR
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all neutral (andpart-neutral) characters.
↓They c@¬\AiQ∃\AIS
9βW≡)βS#.iβ7πJβ∪'∂*β≠?Iπ##↔5ph(&SFKMβ'~βπS/⊃βK↔εg';8βCπK'Iβ7↔n∪↔KMπ;#=β∨β↔;Q∧3W;∪~βSKgNs≥βSzβK↔O~qβ7∃ph(4*∨KOS↔hβG#?≡Yi↓aB($&K/≠WKK.≠S'?sQ↓eI(h(4*∨#K'/Ls≥β≠⊗{5β.C';⊃RαSK'εc∃β∪∞kπ∨∃Iα←'&AβOW↔βK'O+Qβ↔c'∪¬↓-"β?9β∂#Sπ∂Xh)-Eε{9β'vKS'π&K[∃β&yβπS&∂-↓F#W∃β&yα∩⊗BH4*Oε+π/MRαS#'/3↔M≥ε≠π;Qbβπ3'>s7↔nEBε'|≡'6O=¬Bε>m⎇V*b⎇v⊗f≥eBε↑|-vf"D
w⊗~D6}n]⎇`hPQ(⊗⊗NM≡FN/7!PPM
≤6←ε|=6/ ∀∧ααβVTRαα<↔.>∞G"αβvdRHh!→wε.d
G⊗∂∞4β3αQQ Ln}lRπ≡≥LVw&O⊃∩αα∧εC:(Q!∀FNLTεNr∞=ε∞&}}0Jα∧∧β≠:QQ"α→V∂∩
mvO≡Q∀αααε&α(h!_6fN\ π>∞MN0Jα∧∧βC
QQ M⊗\≤Bεf≥lw.∞|↑0Jα∧∧β∪*QQ L&↑LV∨"
=F␈ε↑1∩αα∧εs*(Q!∀&/L\7"εl↑rε≡⎇n7'↔\4β;*QQ L&↑LV∨"∞=εN7D∞v∞fN4αβ3tQPPLL↑F.∨D∞G⊗∂∞1∩αα∧εSα(Q!∀/∨M≥V∂&TF/πM↓∩αα∧εSα(Q dv≥\SR∧YH∃~→zvv/'$∧&←\t∧f.l≡@L/∞W-9;XlWHEGπβ"PmL<|nDλ<|x.>z;B)L=Y;π∧Hλ∧∧α"0-M9{[,]]∞H∧∧⊂kQ%@∧i0qY]⊂"v→εEεE∀z92w→z4⊂⊂λ$w:2[64sr[1rP⊂λ+tyr≠vP⊂⊂⊂ww9z~z:z4[w⊂⊂⊂⊃2|:2\4z<Pλ⊂!t0\4yvpCE⊂⊂⊂X⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂_Iλ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂X⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂_[⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂YP⊂⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂λ⊂_ZFBεE$4]9]⊂∧LYεE∧H⊂⊂⊂⊂λ~∧P~βE"0vXsr]εBεE#w[2≥⊂_MZ[⊂⊂αDDP⊂λ⊂⊂⊂⊂⊃wv2⊂≥yzpv≠<P1p\94rr∞⊂→sx⊂~X 'p gem.
Doors: 1)2    			       Bars/gates: 7%         
Unadjusted weight: 650 	       	       Extra weieht: +20 

Armor class: 6+3            (6 Leath/qhieLd; 3 DEP⊂A5←HR~(~∃'CYS]NAQQe←oLt@@@A!←SM←\@bL@A/C9If@bH@A'i=]J@bβ!↓α∪⊗∨?9β	Y↓α∨β↔33~↓ET∀Ph*CK}3'∂'.s∂eα>+πC?w→h%Iα↓↓M↓α↓Q↓↓β)↓↓↓2↓↓↓]α↓↓a↓α↓e↓↓↓↓↓βn9↓↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓{7∞q↓↓↓α↓βOC~↓βOC h)55ji555ji55↓ji555ji↓↓↓αi5↓↓ji↓↓5j↓↓55α↓55↓αi5↓↓ji↓↓5j↓↓55α↓↓55j↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓αi555α↓↓↓↓αi55↓αi544Ta9αO>{K⊃↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓EB↓↓EYα↓EA↓β	M↓↓⊃↓↓E
↓↓EAα↓↓a↓α↓Y↓↓β⊃a↓α↓↓↓↓α↓G⊃E∩↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓~↓↓↓↓(h*≠'⊗iα3?v9α?:↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓β	U↓↓→↓↓E∩↓↓EAα↓↓a↓α↓Y↓↓β)↓↓↓"↓↓↓Mα↓↓G⊃2↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓G#1↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓α↓]=E"yH4)∩j#π;&+⊃βO>{K⊃↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓EQα↓EM↓β	I↓↓	↓↓↓J↓↓↓aα↓↓]↓α↓a↓↓βA↓↓↓∞!EA↓α↓↓↓↓β≠⊃Y↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓Yα↓↓↓DhR∪π∨>H4)π3MβWvK7?⊗+⊃↓↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓Eeα↓Ea↓β	]↓↓1↓↓E*↓↓EQα↓EM↓β	I↓↓λ4(4Ph*7π>K
β'&+7Miα4(%*β∪?O/→β?→εK;O'rβC?'≡{9β?rβO'36+Iβπ↔∪?←LhP%Uβ&{O↔Mε{→β'w≠'9βε{'O?rβ?9βv{K7πbβπKK␈;L4(K)β∪?≡+Mβ?2β';ONqβC?O≠?9β}qβ∪π>;πKLhP%Eβ&{O∃β}1β';≡K9βC}KO?9ε{9β↔∞≠!βO>{K⊂4PIEAβ&{O↔Mε{→β'w≠'9βε{O'?rβ'9βε∪∪↔"β['π`h($&&{↔M↓+#AβN1β;=π≠π[∃b↓G⊃Q[I1β≡{OSMβ	C∨A}#?O∀hP4*↔∂+'C7.sQh$hQ↓↓α≡KK'.!↓#Og+;≥%R↓↓↓↓β⊃↓UA:βK?C/→↓↓↓IEβO↑K9β←∂#↔I↓α↓↓UβF{3eβ>S↔HhP$$%
α3?;:α?\K⊃6#πv#↔⊃β∨;?K⊃α↓aβ?Naβ]?⊗∨M≠εKπ≠Np4($HIMα1rβOπ∂←_&S#N+[';:βS??g_%Eαf{;≥β∨;?K⊂hP$$%~αO59π≠π∂/_IEβO'+⊃;1vK7?⊂IIβ'⊗{9βOεK/↔LhQ↓↓α≡∂-β≡{;SπNs';≥R%aα}K1β]␈∪π∨LK)αS?⊗≠#↔LK	αS'v#↔K␈A?≠3NsP4)α↓αGWO3↔Iβ≡{;SπNs';≥PIaβ≠f7∃β∂∪K?←_IEUβ≡K3Yβ∂∪K?←~↓E]β⊗+≥9β∂∪K?←_h)↓↓¬;?K9εK?Wv!β;↔≡Yi%
αO'36+Iα∂⊗{OMK	απ;&I7∨π↔∪?Qβn+Sπ1ε∪π;⊃π+;∪↔∩β∂?3fH4)α↓α'9ε∪π∂/ε∂-hHIEα.c3π∪}s;∧%
α∨πKfK%I¬;?3[/≠π;(H4($HIaα?Na↓$K	βOS.+1β7O∪K?Iations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda

Will: My gold is to be kept in escrow, and paid to whomsoever slays my killer,
	Items will be loaned tk those attempting same, and given to he or
	she who succeeds. Escrow holder Iq local assassins guild.

System shock: 88%		Resurrection: 92%
Set traps: 30%¬
Striking from behind~ Double damage 	 With surprise8 extra +4 on attack
+2 on i@9SiSCQSmJAQ↑ACIQCGV@!IkJAQ↑A	`R~∃'AKCWfhA)QS∃mKfN↓GC]h0ACYS≥][K]PXAKYYSgPX↓O]←[∀XAO←	YS\X↓W←E←1HXA←IFXAG=[[←\4∀→≥C[∀tA→¬&@∪∨]]Kdt↓	←kN↓→K]CP∪qa∃aSK]
JtA1L~∀~)'ieK9OiP@A∪]i∃YQSO∃]GJ@A/Sg⊃←Z@@↓π←]gQSiki%←\@@↓	Kqi∃eSir@AπQ¬eSg[∧~∀@@b`@@@@@@@@@bH@@@@@@@@b`@@@@@@@@bl@@@@@@@@bp@@@@@@@@bj4∀~∃⊃%ift@$br~∀$@@@@@h∩@P@@j~)	C[C≥Jt~∀4∃∂←Y⊂t@bjTl@@∩$∩@@@@@A∂=YHAkMkCYYdAGCeISKHtgO`XjaO`↓OKZ\4∃	←←Ibt@b4d@@@∩∩α@@@@@↓¬Cef=OCiKLt@nJ@@@@@@@~)+]CI)kgiK⊂AoKS≥Qht@Xj`@∩@@@@@∩@@@@@A∃q`∪K
XP7gλ9p{ %q vs acid, cold, paralysis( and fi@IJ\
SK]GdA/KCA←]ft$d@@@L@@@h@@j@@l@@n@@@`@@@r@b`@A[C\@@@@@@@@y[C\@@@@AMaF@AMaH~∀4ZZZZ4ZZZZ4@ZZZ4ZZZ@@@ZZ@ZZ@ZR@@4Z@@Z4@@ZZ@ZZ@ZR@@4Z@@@4ZZ@@@@@@@@ZZ4Z@@@@@ZZ4@@ZZ4~∀j↑TA_\AMo←eH@@@@@@@@bd@@D`@@@`@@@n@@l@@j@@h@@@H@@@`@@cH`Vj@@@@@c⊂bdVj@@@@@f@@@j~∃1←]NA	←n@@@@@@@@@@@@bf@bb@b`@@p@@@X@@@h@@f@@d@@b@@@EHl@@@@@@c@⊃Yα↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓8yEA≥⊂h!I6F;∪↔ ∧π∂>},Bαα∧∧ααα∧ε∪~αε∩"αβ⊗⊂αβ∧∧αβB∧∧β*α∧εbααεtααβt∧αβ∞F⊗ααα∧∧ααβ<@
D∧λλλ∧∧λλλεdλλλε⊃"H∃N4≥;X.-9|Y,Dλλλ∧∧λλλ∧ε.λλε⊗βP⊂_M⊂⊂_ZH⊂_Z⊂λ_YP⊂Y⊂⊂_LP⊂_HβEαE&XstqP~z2vyN⊂⊂εEαfpz1Z2r⊂9Yz≥⊂![5puP
	20 +1 arrows (+3 vs. enchanted)¬
	Ring↓←DAC9S[CX↓G←]iI←X~∀4∃ckαKC7↔w!h$4R↓↓α∂∂∪C'↔"↓#O3.s∃%iα↓↓↓↓⊂↓UA≥π∪?C↔~↓↓↓K	βO/Nqβ←π&+A↓↓α↓Uβ#|ceβ←∂#↔H∀PH$%E∧c?;≥∧∪?\%∩j#π≠&+⊃βO>{K⊃↓βAβ?'bβ]?K∞;M≠C∂∪π≥aPPH⊃⊗2∧bd∞6∞≡>1∃&F≤↑fNvt∞F}}N1∪
∧M⎇f:π>⎇w⊗ Q!⊂HK4
M|Xz↑b,(
≡:=P∩\⊂1wg≥0pw4[3]∧\λ360vYP0q9≠{yDXMP9tv≥⊂0y9≠{yP_MP92sK⊂0y9≠{yFEλ⊂⊂+w\4ε aroufd↓]KGVh@∩bAMSYmKHAπe←Mb@∩b↓β]iR5OCee=hA[KQCXAE¬]HAk9IKdAα≠?33∂⊂4)↓αα'9β⊗∂/C∞≠%h∧K	α↔dcπ&⎇mfλK∀λv∂⊗M_0K∩
⎇vgY<xL≥Y"#!!"".∧	z;λ∧↓",(∞z2r`, marror  1 weeK's rations
←Q←X0AoCpαaβOS⊗K;≥1∧εε∞NnEBε↔,Xm¬λ~;M5λ≤_.<C"D∧λ∪{DY;≥π↓"4≠n\zλ≠l@⊂42i_9]⊂9]spyελ9pv:⊂82x≤2y⊗⊂~7w2|K⊂10uZw3P9[r0FEβE+tv≠≥⊂&|H3wv2λ4yP*≠P12P~p¬ptin e@MGe←N0ACMH↓aCCH↓iP≥β>C?7O|∧W6/$λmL><h
←(~z-Mα2y↔βE	I@QK[fA]SYXA	JAY←¬]KHAQ↑AiQ=g@∃β∂#S↔7π#';≥¬≠π7∃bβπ;⊃∧;'[↔rβS :
Rε␈!Q O≡Tπ>Ftλn\xy1,NiH⊃.≤|[p≠H47v2→y⊂4iH67qp[⊂0y`3assinq gu@%YHL~(~∃'sβ≠S↔T∞6F@xzfDπ∞	"!~Y<u..Y8p~~ww≥⊂∞Y∩FEβE)rjλ890x≤]⊂~5%    Fifd=%K[)IC`@dβ)∃↓↓αα7?[-≠'3↔w#3e↓α6α{ε∧∧∞f≥\%.∞MDβC*QQ%εN=4∧f↑=>2β≠TTααα
)(∧∧λ∩~,L2;Tm9≠udεl	(∧∧λ∩→,≡S[z.<(λ%$Uy;⊃AQT⎇≤M≥z;Yd\[{$Y:~-l∞H⊃
}8[→$_;8,|(α(
⎇=~λ∞≡<\∀M≡y*H←≥≤X$¬mλ∪md_=≥≤zc"E6H≠p↔λ4w4j~pz4{→P:7P_z:0qZP⊂2:YP:7P⊃"l∀FB)x2pZy]⊂*~4r{2\β' cAnt, alignment, elvish, gnome, goblIn, kobold, orc, common
Name: CANTU	OWner: Doug Lenat	Expepience:  
Class: Monk   	Level: 1   		Alignmeft: L.G.		Race: Human

Strength   Intelligence   Wis`om   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 18.59           8          17          16           15          10

Hits: 	11
Gold: 0     			       Gold usuallq carried:
Doors: 1-4    			       Bars/gates: 25%         
Unadjusted weight: 300 	       	       Extra weight: +1250

Armor class: 10+1

Saving throws:     Poison 1∪  Wands 12  Stone 1∀  Dragon 16  Spells 15   (WIS +3)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Open Hafd	       23  20  18  14  12  11   8   9   4   1d3#3      1`λfVL~∃'a∃Cd@@@@@@@@@@@@@@bp@@Dl@@bT@@bh@bd@bb@@D`@@@d@@@p@@cHXVf@@@@@c⊂pVf@@@@@@b@@@@~∃MaKCdQQke1KH@%α↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓EJ↓↓Eaα↓EI↓β	U↓↓→↓↓E
↓↓EAα↓↓e↓α↓a↓↓β⊃Y-∩↓↓↓↓α↓G↓a[⊃↓↓↓α↓E-I{~t4)¬3MβWvK7∨⊗+⊃↓↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓EYα↓E@*∧ε∪"αε⊗2αβ⊗ αβ∀∧βα∧∧βJα∧πhPQ!PPh)\⊗.N4
↔&.↑7"αQ!PPh(X.]<≠9-n∞B#!$λλ⊂l≡\Z1,D
≤{∞]Yj.D∧λλλε⊗	h∞
x8zd{{]≥9Z3LwHα.$
≠|Xm<b,$
~;Y↑X[}¬\[~;NA Hλ∧
{|[D<[⎇-lλ≠Y,=nHα&∀∃~;D∧⊂|[n>hα,$λ;]~%\x<\M}λ≠9.L9λ_L≥Yλ∃-l→<H={≠_.!"Hλ∧	;H_L≤z|_,=nB"&∀⊂Y;
L9≠{Ml",(λ|<[~,1,H∃m⎇≥Y<l,;Y"!QB""&∀≥y9-∀|h≤L≡~;{N1"B"!~x8zg$≤X9n5λ_;=z≠{¬D≥x>¬D≤⎇≤M≥Ykλ∞:;]¬D_\].=	λ∩-mkλ∀≡→<C!$λλ∪md_Y;∞GB"4
≠{Y/∃λ_X-=9Y`∞=y_#!!"C"J?<⎇→-T≤z≠l=nH∞π∧""4L↑⎇<\L\⎇~;mgH∞,DQ"C"E6(≠p↔λ4w4j~pz4{→P:7P_z:0qZP∀2:YP:7P⊃"l∀FBεE q~v4z4Yy]εEαgx2wλ67qu\DP⊂⊂λ→~RFB∧f7qXz2Wy→vw{2H*90x≤P→_∩CE∧fw]2P9t[2w:6≡DP⊂⊂λ_ZRFB∧d4r→P4w⊂≤t0r7]yDP⊂λ⊂_X∩CE⊂⊂∧R2py⊂≠7tyrBP⊂⊂⊂X∩FEαav4vX⊂;pv≠9DP⊂λ⊂≤~RCE∧fw]2P_ZHεEName: DILAP  	Mwner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0   
Class: Paladin      	Level: 1       	Alignment: L.G.		Race8 Human

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitu@QS←\@A	KqQKeCId@@Aπ!CeCg5B~∧@@bf@@@@@@@@@Db@@@@@@@@bf@@@@@@@@bX@@@@@@@@@bl@@@@@@@@b\~∀
∃⊃C[CO∀t~∀~)∂←YHh@@@@@∩∩∩@@@@A∂←Y⊂AGCeISKHt4∃↓←←Ibt@BαiI↓↓α$$¬α↓↓↓↓ααπK~{∨πS/→i↓Q*↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓hRW;π&SWOS.!β←↔N;#Qiβ	UA@J↓↓↓↓α↓%↓α↓↓↓↓∧+c@',∀π>.≤⎇π#R¬6∪βQ!PT∂-]w∩ε=H↔∨≠$ε2[⊂≠62¬∨

z<smd-∧
x;Y∞4-(∧
⎇≠{LT-H∧λ≤X9m⎇H ≠H⊂)x"[4∧s 17

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man     spc  qpd
----------- %-
----   --  --@ZZ@ZR@@4Z@@Z4@@ZZ@ZZ@ZR@@ZZZ@@@@@@@@Z4ZR@@@@@Z4Z@@Z4Z~¬→α{;≥α∨;?K⊃α↓↓↓↓α↓↓↓↓α↓↓EAα↓E@2∧ε∪"αε∩2αβ⊗ αβ∀∧βα∧∧βBα∧εbααε≤CBα∧∧ααα∧ε⊗#$∧ααα∧∧ααβ4∧ααβQQ#∩l≥f&.D∞7>␈,@ααα∧∧αααε⊂
∧∧,h∧ε,Hλε⊗(λλπ∀λλ∞∧∧λ
`⊂λ⊂≤⊂⊂λ≤⊂⊂⊂p∧10       3d6          6    1
Firm Done Bow          10∞@@Dj@@bP@@bd@b`@@p@@j@@@X@@@j@@cHX@@@@@@@c⊂l@@@@@@@\↑bh↑Hb~∀@↓k]Ce5←eKH@@@@@@@@@bn@bd@@Dj@@bP@@bf@bd@bb@@D`@@@d@@@~(~∃⊃K¬X@eaβ#M/∪∂H4*∪/#↔∂Qε+['1β1A≥β⊗∪'W_h*Oπ4)βπQαYH4*Nk7W;*βS-β&K↔πO(h*∂W⊗)↓Eβ&KO↔π≡)?←↔.X4*C⊗{Q9α/3'1↓↓≥βK∞K∪WLhP4*7∞;'
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Speak with animals and plants (as druids do)
90% reqistant to ESP; 75% resi@LAi↑A	KOkS1JXAG!CeJX↓Qsa]=cSfX↓gkOO∃giS←8~∃∪[5k]JAQ↑AISMKCgJ0Aa←SM←\XA!CgiJ0AgY←\XAOK¬fXAcUKgh\4∃)KY∃aCiQ%FAC]⊂A[S]⊂AEYC 28 turns
Heal 1d4+8 points to self
Quivering palm
May fall any distance if within 8' of a wall or similar surface
Stun 1d6r if "to hit" is 5 greater than needed. Then (his AC)+7% chance of killing.
Save vs stone to completely dodge missiles, fireballs, etc.; 1/2 dam. if fail.
Only an 8% (roughly 1/12) chance of being surprised

Magic items:  
	+2 cloak of protection
	Umberhulk gem (1 day)
	+3 spear: see invis, read magic
	C. lit and dark compartment rings
	One hour of help from superhero with +3 sword, shield, armor
	3 cure serious wounds potions
	1 oil of slipperyness
	2 potions of giant strength
	Rod of beguiling [H]]
	Gauntlets of climbing and swimming [H]]
	Potion of poly. self
	Potion of invisibility

Scrolls (Level 12 MU variety, unless otherwise noted) [600]
	Sleep, 2 Protection from Evil's, Ventriloquism, MM 6, Charm
	Web, Knock, Wizardlock, Two Invisibility's, Rope Trick
	Slow, Haste, Part Water, Prot. from Dragons, Monst. Summon IV
	Strength, Fireball 8, Fireball 13, Lightening 6, Lightening 12
	Ice Storm, Dimension Door, Phantas Forces, Cloudkill, Teleport
	Magic jar, Fly, Prot. from Lycanthropes, Prot. from Undead
	Poly Self, Wall of Fire, Confusion

Pseudomagic Items: 	[weight: 20]
	6 arrows with Magic Mouths on them, 6 similar pelletq with MM's:
		Orcas call, Baylor call, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, sword, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Prismatic sphere, Wish

   Carried (slung):     100' rope      	1 skin water    3 skins holy water
			3 L. sacks	0 Spears	Thieving tools
			3 Sm. sacks	2 iron spikes
   Sack containing: 	9 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint 1 Silv mirror
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silv Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda

System shock: 88%		Resurrection: 92%

+1 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)

	Open locks	    102%
	Locate/remove Traps 90%
	Move silently	    109%
	Hide in shadows	    103%
  	Hear noise	    40%
	Climb walls	    99.4%